Belgian International Spine Symposium

BISS  XXXIst Edition

In 2025
Brussels International Spine Symposium
Belgian International Spine Symposium !
Moves to Bluepoint Antwerp on Nov 21 & 22

We will hold the BISS meeting, on November 21 & 22, 2025, in the Antwerp BluePoint Conference Center located in an old medical institute.

Antwerp, the second biggest city in Belgium lies along a bend in the river Scheldt, a mere 35km north of Brussels.

The Conference Center is 500m away from Berchem train station, with direct trains from Brussels airport every 15 minutes for a short 30 minutes trip. It is a good 25 min away from Brussels Airport by car and minutes from Antwerp ring road.

Antwerp is a historic city with early signs of settlement dating to the 2nd century. The castle (Steen) and gothic cathedral date from the 13th century. Many historic buildings have survived as shops, private homes, boutique hotels etc.

Museums are plenty. It is the city where Rubens worked and lived, his residence now a beautiful museum. The painter Van Dijck, Jordaens and Teniers also lived and worked here. Antwerp was at the center of early printing and the Plantyn and Moretus museum present what printing meant in the 15th century. The museum is housed in a beautiful early 16th century house.

Antwerp is known for its diamond trade and huge sea harbor. It is a mecca for foodies and shoppers. Last, but not least Antwerp is Belgian fashion capital!

Public transport is easy, taxis and Uber are ubiquitous. We have chosen a hotel with easy access to both the center of the city and the Bluepoint Conference Center. It is a hotel themed after the 1920 Olympics, the 7th of our modern times and held in Antwerp in 1920.

Let’s meet in Antwerp for BISS 2025 !


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